1469 Original Store (Janpath-12) turned into a little culture capital of sorts, as various artists, language experts, and a small but tasteful audience (consisting of way too many iPhone photographers) gathered to have a gala time.
It took off with soul-stirring Gurbani Sangeet by Dya Singh Ji. He discussed, in a personal and endearing style, the teachings of Guru Granth Sahib Ji. He also reflected upon how love is the essence of all teachings of the holy scripture of Sikhs.
Then, on popular demand from kids and adults alike, he sang the melodious Ooda-Aida-Eedi-Sassa-Haha... and everyone just joined in.
Another guest who made the evening special was Jasbir Jassi. First he enjoyed Dya Singh's music and then sang a few of his own famous Panjabi folk songs, including Heer, in his signature roohani voice.It took off with soul-stirring Gurbani Sangeet by Dya Singh Ji. He discussed, in a personal and endearing style, the teachings of Guru Granth Sahib Ji. He also reflected upon how love is the essence of all teachings of the holy scripture of Sikhs.
Then, on popular demand from kids and adults alike, he sang the melodious Ooda-Aida-Eedi-Sassa-Haha... and everyone just joined in.
After Jassi Bhaji's turn it was Mr. Rawail Singh Ji who talked about the importance of Panjabi and its revival in the modern times.
He encouraged people to start at home. He said that although his children studied in convent schools, they made it a point to speak Panjabi at home. He also shared with the audience a few incidents with Jasbir Jassi, revisiting the memory lane.

All in all it was an evening well spend. Literally so, because almost everyone wanted to buy the new summer t-shirt styles.
And then, like we always do, we had........ Lassi!!! :)
Both, sweet and salty! :)
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